The Photo/Memory Exchange
Billederne er taget af mig, Mette Juul. Kik billederne igennem, og hvis et af dem vækker et minde i dig, så er billedet dit. Hvad jeg ønsker til gengæld fra dig er, at du skriver dit minde ned i den røde bog. På den måde deler vi minder.
Skriv i den røde bog :
- -Skriv det nummer, som står bag på fotoet
- -Skriv dit minde i bogen
Tusind tak fordi du tager del i mit Photo/Memory Exchange
The Photo/Memory Exchange
The Pictures are taken in the USA by me, Mette Juul. Look through the photographs and if any of them trigger a memory then the picture is yours. What I ask in return is that you write down the memory in one of the red books. This way we get to share our memories.
Write in the red book :
- -Describe shortly what is on the photograph
- -Write down the story you have in exchange for the photo
- -Write your contact information if you like
Thank you so much for taking part and it will be interesting to find out how my images and your memory connect.
Photo/Memory Exchange Brooklyn
Photo/Memory Exchange Brooklyn
Photo/Memory Exchange Brooklyn
Photo/Memory Exchange Creative Times NY
Photo/Memory Exchange Creative Times NY
Photo/Memory Exchange Copenhagen
Photo/Memory Exchange Copenhagen
Photo/Memory Exchange Copenhagen
Photo/Memory Exchange Copenhagen
Photo/Memory Exchange Norway
Photo/Memory Exchange Norway
Photo/Memory Exchange Norway
Photo/Memory Exchange Norway
Photo/Memory Exchange Norway
Photo/Memory Exchange Holstebro
Photo/Memory Exchange Holstebro